
How To Get A Corporate Job

Have you completed your graduation and looking for a job?

Are you interested and all set to get into the corporate sector?

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If your answer to these questions is yes, then you are in the right place. Divya Shlokam Team aims at providing you the answers to all such questions related to your career, job, business, and student life.

Corporate jobs are so much in demand now. People prefer corporate jobs over other sectors because of many reasons.

You are paid good enough once you are established and have specialization in your work. Other perks are also associated with a good salary, like associated benefits or fringe benefits.

Apart from the monetary aspects, there is a lot that you can learn. You get to meet new people, build connections, you become a part of a big community. Working in a corporation has its own perks and if you want to enjoy them, you need to understand what it takes to get a corporate job.

I invited Anirban Das in the Divya Shlokm Show, episode 193, who is a Chief People Officer, L&S, to have a discussion on how to get a job an in the corporate sector, and in our conversation, we came out with the following tips that can help you to get that corporate job.

5 Tips you need if you want a job in the corporate sector

1. Know your passion

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Long gone are the days when there was a craze of very limited job profiles like an engineer, doctor, lawyer, and so on. A lot of new job opportunities are waiting for you out there, but the first thing you need to know is to identify what you are passionate about. Know what you like doing and you can pursue that as your career.

"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary"- Steve Jobs

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Choices have expanded so much, corporations need employees in different job profiles. If you like to cook or are looking for on-desk jobs, you can go to hotel management.

Many media corporations are looking for more graphic designers and video editors, you can use your creative mind to get such jobs as they are in great demand.

This way, you can enjoy what you do and that is really important if you want to excel in your career.

So, take out some time and work on yourself, observe yourself, and identify your passion. There are jobs that need you to be passionate and you can only do justice if you really do it with all determination and hard work.

Passion might seem to be extraneous and insignificant to some people when it comes to choosing your career but trust me it works!

And it works wonders if you are truly passionate about something and does it because you love it, not just because you have to do it. Come on, people are doing food blogging and travel journalism and are doing great in their careers because of their love for their passion, so can you!

2. Work hard and reach perfection

To stand out in what you do, you need to specialize in your own skillset. Work on yourself, keep practicing, go for separate and special classes to refine your skills.

Never settle for less, do more of everything.

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If you want to earn more, you need to work more. Make sure you are best in what you do and make the corporation believe that you can actually provide them with something that other applicants of the same job profile cannot.

3. Create your true and impressive resume

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Try to tell more about yourself through your resume. Before even meeting you in person, recruiters look at your CV.

It represents you in your absence and you are judged by it. Of course, your first impression is your last impression, and your CV is your first impression, so make sure that it leaves an impression that lasts.

It is a tool to market yourself to the recruiters.

Make sure to mention all your skills and specialties in your CV. Try to convey more in fewer words. Recruiters don't have much time to have a look at your CV, so you write concise sentences, yet they must deliver a good amount of information about you.

Do not forget to mention about all your experiences and try to highlight them, because experience is something every recruiter looks for in an employee.

You can share work experience of your past jobs and projects and if you are a newbie and haven't worked with any organization yet, you can mention about your assignments and projects and all other work that you have done and all positions of responsibility you have been in during your college days.

Make your resume is so impressive that it manages to actually engage the recruiters for more than just a few seconds. Along with that, it is also important that everything you mention in your CV is true.

4. Start by looking for internships

You should go and grab every opportunity you get. Before applying for actual full-time jobs, start with internships. It will help you a lot later in your career. Internships provide you with experience and exposure that are both actually very necessary if you want to excel.

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Internships also help in adding value to your resume and increase your chances of being recruited by the big corporate companies.

Doing internships prepare for all the pressure you will get in your job and how to deal with it. They demand a lot of engagement and hard work and hence also help in enhancing your skills and provide you with the right direction.

5. Do your personal branding on different social media platforms

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It is very important today to be present on different social media platforms and you must make proper use of them. Market yourself on social media, be it Instagram or Facebook or LinkedIn. Try to connect with people over there for professional purposes Also post about yourself, your skills, your interests. Make people look at your profile and make sure it stands out.

I hope these tips help you in seeking the job you want in the corporate sector. For more such useful information regarding your career, personal life, or your student life, stay tuned!

If you wish to read more, you may read:

  • 5 Quick Interview Tips to get you hired by HR
  • You Are More Than Machines
  • How Mentoring Makes you Grow Exponentially?
  • The Jobs are Ready For the Future, Are you?
  • The next HR Award can be yours
  • Showcase Thought Leadership- Build your personal brand

If you found this article helpful, I would love it if you would share it on Twitter , Facebook , and other social media platforms!

We will come back with more just interesting ideas in our next article!­­

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Author's Introduction:-

I facilitate exponential growth in Income, Revenue, Impact, Followers & Brand Image of Professionals, Leaders, Entrepreneurs & Organisations.
I do it through Showcasing their Thought Leadership, Stories, Brands, Services, Best Practices & Initiatives on my Business Shows.

Who exactly am I Professionally & What Precisely I do?  - I am an Award-Winning, Corporate Trainer, Business Show Host, Thought Leadership CEO Coach, Serial Entrepreneur, Author & Motivational Speaker with 20+yrs exposure in India, Canada, & the USA.

Some of my clients include Aditya Birla Group, Mitsubishi Group, Times Group, Oracle to name a few. Leaders & Entrepreneurs from India, the US, Canada, Greece, Australia & Japan have grown their impact through my expertise.

I help individuals showcase their Thought Leadership through my Online Business Shows in Hindi & English. Please refer to the presentation attached to my Linkedin Profile for more details.

I help Professionals, Leaders & Entrepreneurs to gain a better understanding of how to create impact & build credibility that gets noticed to their advantage.

I do this through coaching them on personal branding, showcasing thought leadership, handling online media & reaching their next levels of achievements in their career or businesses that make them beat the competition.

Having a solid background in CEO Coaching, my experience of consulting organizations for-profits improvement, business excellence, six sigma, soft skills & leadership training has helped me get an inside understanding of organizational dynamics.

However, I have noticed organizations face challenges to create an impact on Employees, Customers & the Public at large consistently. They are always a threat to lose employees, customers & shareholders.

I help organizations build credibility within & outside through building their in-house impactful media capabilities so employees are engaged, motivated & deliver higher results, employee retention is ensured, external stakeholders feel proud.

My Media co. hand-holds organizations create an impact on all Stakeholders & grow profits through their own internal media capabilities development including internal shows, thought leadership showcasing, video case-studies building, achievement motivation, sharing best practices & communicating for exponential growth, etc.

Leave a Whatsapp message at to discover your & your organization's Exponential Growth Possibilities. Let's talk about achieving your Next Level Growth Sooner. Leave a message giving your brief introduction & I would get back to you.

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How To Get A Corporate Job


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