
How To Get Avocados To Ripen Quickly

If you need to know how to quickly ripen an avocado, you've come to the right place! This trick will allow you to use your perfectly ripened avocado in about 20 minutes!

If you need to know how to quickly ripen an avocado, you've come to the right place! This trick will allow you to use your perfectly ripened avocado in about 20 minutes!

I'm usually pretty good about meal planning every week, and I've even started meal planning for weekends lately, which is something I never did before. Well, I recently planned to make avocado quesadillas one Sunday night, which of course sounds like a great idea, except when you consider that we usually do our grocery shopping on Saturdays or Sundays. Whoops! Now, as you and I both know, one cannot simply buy an avocado and just plan to use it that same day or even the next day in most cases. You need to closely monitor your avocado and change your meal plans based on its whims and when it feels like it's time to be ripe. Right? Well, not anymore with this clever trick to quickly ripen an avocado! 🙂

How to Quickly Ripen an Avocado

Start out with your lovely avocado, so full of promise, but sadly not even close to being ready to eat. I don't know about where you live, but most of the avocados we can buy in the stores here are nowhere near ripe and it's a total guessing game as to when they'll actually be ready.

This trick will perfectly ripen your avocado and make it ready for use in about 20 minutes! Not quite ripe.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and wrap your avocado in foil.

This trick will perfectly ripen your avocado and make it ready for use in about 20 minutes! Wrap in tinfoil.

Once your oven has heated up, place your avocado in there and leave it for about 20 minutes.

This trick will perfectly ripen your avocado and make it ready for use in about 20 minutes! Place in your oven.

Remove it from the oven. It probably won't even be that hot, just pleasantly warm.

Remove the foil and slice into your avocado.

This trick will perfectly ripen your avocado and make it ready for use in about 20 minutes! Perfectly Ripe!


Well, maybe not perfection, but pretty close! Definitely edible and useable in all of your favourite avocado-based recipes! 🙂

I should mention that I've heard of others saying that you should put your avocado in a 200 degree oven for only 10 minutes. That was definitely not enough for my completely unripe avocado, but if you have an almost-ripe avocado, that would probably do the trick!

Now that I know this little trick to make avocado eating a lot less of a guessing game, I'll definitely be using these even more often that I already do! Yay!

Another Quick Kitchen Tip from The Creek Line House – How to Quickly Soften Butter

Do you have a different trick that you like to use to quickly ripen an avocado?

Don't forget to pin this idea for later so you'll have it when you need it!

If you need to know how to quickly ripen an avocado, you've come to the right place! This trick will allow you to use your perfectly ripened avocado in about 20 minutes!


  • How to Keep an Avocado From Turning Brown!
  • Healthy Food Hacks
  • How to Freeze Avocado
  • Healthy Avocado Egg Salad Sandwich
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  • The Creek Line House Food Idea Archives

How To Get Avocados To Ripen Quickly


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